The Eye and Sexual Energy

How the energy field of the eye represents our sexual energy flow; Contraction and Expansion of the energy field through the period or moon cycle; My experiments with carrots, my conclusions and Herbs which helped

Dear Ed,

Some years ago, when I was living in the middle of a sandalwood forest, there was this story in the local media about how ancient bears once roamed the area and those were much bigger than today’s bears. Apparently there were fossils of those still around. Around that time a product was being sold in that little tourist town that was actually bear body parts preserved in something. It was said to drastically raise one’s sexual energy. What interested me though was the warning I heard one experienced local senior citizen give someone else as they walked by. Continue reading

Energy Field of Mistletoe for Recovery from Hormonal Exhaustion

How the energy field of Mistletoe rehabilitates the body from long term hormonal war, stimulates re-calibration of hormonal and energetic processes, eases hormonal anxiety and helps one recover from exhausting hormonal episodes like the “travails of teenage”.

Ed, much has been written about Mistletoe or Viscum Album’s medicinal properties on a physical level. It’s one of my favorite herbs for hormonal balance. If I had to choose ONE herb for hormonal balance it’s Mistletoe. I’ve written about that in various articles over and over. Continue reading

Our Body’s Thermometer & Strychnos for the Stricken – Ignatia

Strychnos Ignatii also called Ignatia Amara, Ignatius Bean or Ignatia is first aid for when the thermometer system of our body fails and this article lists my top 6 situations in which Ignatia is a powerful medicine that few other herbs can match in those situations.

Ed, one time I was going to have a heat stroke when I was in the last few months of being pregnant with Gabriel. I was so beyond hot, and no amount of water I drank was hydrating me enough. My internal organs, already extra warm because of being pregnant, were each radiating heat of its own. Continue reading

Sea Salt and Bio-rhythm Recovery after Shock, Trauma


How the Sea keeps the bio-rhythm of the Earth and therefore us, how Salt carries this vibration and helps us recover from rhythm disruption caused by trauma, shock, vaccination, radiation; How salt aids recovery of BALANCE of minerals in our bodies. 

Dear Ed,

As a lover of the sea you don’t need to be reminded of the healing power of salt. But I’m writing this, as I’ve been mostly a mountain and high altitude dweller and for me, meeting the sea has been an amazing experience. Continue reading

How to Heal a Broken Heart

Letter to Ed about my own experience with a heart condition called Cardio Myopathy or heart muscle degeneration and wherein I provide photographic evidence that emotional release and herbs for holistic healing, did repair, rehabilitate and heal a heart given up on by the medical establishment; The simple things that made the impossible, possible.

Ed, for a long time now I’ve wanted to write about treating the broken heart. As someone who’d suffered so much because of a chronically under-functioning heart, and was told at the age of 19 that I wouldn’t live very long after two heart attacks on the same day, I had to take a serious interest in alternative medicine and natural healing for my heart’s sake, or die. Continue reading

Herbs for Stealth or Cryptic Pregnancy Support

Dear Ed, I first published this article years ago when there was almost no information on supporting cryptic or stealth pregnancy on the internet. Today there is more information but most of it is too general to be of real help. So here is the article all over again and updated.

What happens to a woman’s body when pregnancy hormones that usually stay in the body for just 9 or 10 months, stay on for years even? These are hormones that make muscles loose, and bones release calcium, powerful hormones. It is a unique situation, one there is no information about from the medical system. Continue reading

Banyan Tree Fruit – The Kansas City Shuffle – Breaking out of a Stalemate Situation

All you can see in the picture, is ONE Banyan tree that spreading out.

The fruit of the banyan tree is as much a wonder and a miracle as the rest of the tree. It develops according to the biorhythms of the tree and can be found around the year depending on how the tree has acclimatized to where it is.

This tree’s virility of rooting, growth and spreading – so much so one tree can cover acres and acres of land, are legendary.

Naturally the fruit has been used as support for sexual energy deficiencies and fertility in both men and women.

However it isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac. Rather, it works on a very basic level providing all the basic nutrition a person needs, much like baby food does, repairing a person on a very basic level so fertility and everything it needs all come in one big package. Continue reading

Have a Fear Free Natural Birth with Herbs

Valentine Garland – 1891

Having had a dog give birth thrice at my house before I myself had a child, taught me more about giving birth than all the books and videos on the internet, not to mention the hush-hush births I’d been around in human hospitals.

Dogs approach birth without the trained tension and worry humans go through.

The first time a dog in my care was pregnant, she got a terrible stomach infection and couldn’t keep anything in. I dutifully took her to a vet, “just to be on the safe side”. The vet ordered an xray. Continue reading

7 Angels of Thwarted Passion – Herbs to Change Inherited Energy Patterns

It’s unbelievable – the effect that the lives of our ancestors have on us, whether an animal or a human or a plant, . The more people and animals I made treatments for, the more I realize how important it is to deal with underlying patterns of energy management to find complete release from ill-health ourselves.

In our times, the first line of action to treat a condition is to treat the symptoms of it. If it’s an infection, take an antibiotic, if it’s a pain, take a painkiller. Continue reading

Make Armpit Sniffing Great Again – Yeast and Healing, Fertility, Wellness

A few months ago I wrote a 28 page book about Yeast or, as I like to call it, The Benefits of Armpit Sniffing.

Yeast isn’t a topic that made anyone world famous of healing you’re after, this is something you simply have to have as a foundation if you want to sustain healing.

Because of legal restrictions before I wasn’t able to put this book on my website for all to read for free. That’s sorted out now, and you can read it online  or rich, so there’s very little about it spoken or written, outside the world of ‘general wellness’. Continue reading